P.A.R.T.S. – Rosas – Ictus

Contemporary dance and music centre

P.A.R.T.S. – Rosas – Ictus

Contemporary dance and music centre

Year: 2019

Status: Ongoing

Program: Cultural equipment

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Budget: 4.820.000 exc. VAT

Collaboration: VERS.A

Client: P.A.R.T.S., Rosas & Ictus

Stability: JZH & Partners

HVAC: MK Engineering

Energy: MK Engineering

Landscape: Taktyk

Theatre techniques: Artsceno, The Space Factory

Photographer: Corentin Haubruge

A former industrial site in Brussels (originally dedicated to laundry), converted for more than twenty years into a campus for internationally acclaimed dance school P.A.R.T.S., dance company Rosas and contemporary music ensemble Ictus. Several projects and buildings added along the years to the historical laundry.  New programs/buildings for more dance studios, integrated into a new general masterplan/reorganization for the whole site and its landscape.

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