A+ 290 / Ouvertures


A+ 290 / Ouvertures


Year: 2021

Location: Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgium

Article in A+ Magazine nr 290 about the project MAX-SUR-SENNE that Ouest is working on with HBAAT and OLM (landscape).

text by : Guillaume Vanneste


The Northern Quarter in Brussels, which has been the subject of radical transformations, will soon undergo a major greening operation. The Max-sur-Senne Park will rearrange the green spaces around the opening of the Senne along the Willebroek quay. Organized by Brussels Environment and Brussels Mobility, with the City of Brussels as a special partner, the competition resulted in the designation of the landscape design firm OLM as the winner, in association with HBAAT, Ouest, Dédale and Bureau Studie Jouret. They proposed a flexible and open project that embraces the site’s artificiality and its scars. Opening up the Senne served to open up the district.