Théâtre le Vilar
Transformation of an existing theatre in Louvain-la-Neuve
Urban laboratory in the 1930's Variétés theatre
Renovation of the ateliers and workspaces for a socio-cultural organization
Scarabaeus – SKA
Cultural centre in an old cinema and theatre
P.A.R.T.S. – Rosas – Ictus
Contemporary dance and music centre
Théâtre Le Rideau de Bruxelles
'Maison de théâtre' in a former coal deposit
House Ben & Elise
Renovation of a family house in Molenbeek
House Marlies
Extension of an unifamilial house in Nijlen
Ferme Maximilien-Sur-Senne
Transformation of a parking and modernist slab to an educational farm
Movy Club
Renovation of a local movie theatre
Chassart Cité Petite Enfance
Transformation of an industrial site into a cultural centre for very young kids
Les Ateliers Claus
Alternative music venue in a dense neighborhood
Offices ICEDD
Transformation and extension of existing offices
House Ines
Weelchair-friendly transformation of an individual house
House Maité & Hamed
Multigenerational family house
Riga Building College
Renovation and extension of a school
Redevelopment of the Cadol cultural centre and the playground at the adjacent school
Experimental student housing in a vacant plot
House RAP
Renovation of a laboratory building into an architecture school for Ghent University
Casa Talca
A patio-house into the wild
Residential building with 26 social housing units
The Grid
Refurbishment of the fifth floor of the city library into a new makerspace
Collective housing in a former industrial site
Impact Factory
A new HUB for creative activities
House Joanna
Garden room for a row house
House Bosnie
An apartment renovation inside an old townhouse
House Walschaerts
House Pieter & Sara
Transformation of an old sawmill into an unifamilial house
Maison de la Mixité
Community centre for the neighborhood
Maison du Peuple
Rehabilitation of the former workers' union house of Anderlecht
The Grand Jacques
Circular renovation of a collective housing building
Refurbishment and extension of an historical theatre
Transformation of an existing townhouse into 3 housing units and workshop spaces
Maison Hennin
Five units housing building with a flowershop
Ecole Singelijn
Extension of a primary school
House Verboeckhaven
Masterplan for activating a farm-chateau and its barns in a rural village
Espace des Associations Gerpinnes
Cultural center for a rural town in a park
Ad hoc transformation of an industrial building to a socio-cultural place
Podiumkunsten site Leuven
New centre for the Perfoming Arts
Rogier Hip-Hop House
Hip-hop school in a former synagogue
Pole culturel Manchester
New cultural hub for Molenbeek connecting two industrial sites
Square de l'accueil
New sport and community center
Interior design of the bar-brasserie in the new KANAL museum
Rethinking existing office space
Camping Cosmos
Temporary installation in the garden of Villa Medici
Asiat Summer Bar
A summer bar for HORST festival
PET Bottle Pavillion
The right to fail
The Replica / Recyclart at WTC
Eatable Town
Contribution for the Tallin Architecture Biennale
Musée Imaginaire
Bouillon de Godefroid (et des autres)
Or how to deal with (polemic) heritage and public space
Brussels Courthouse Contest
Manneken Pis: May I take your picture ?
Jette Golf Club
10 years of Bouwmeester Maitre Architecte in Brussels
Arquitetura Entre Vistas ABROAD
#031 OUEST: "How to make a building as a swiss knife?"
Architectuurboek Vlaanderen N°16
Responses in Responsibility
A+ 308 / Coupé sur mesure
Théâtre Jean Vilar
Brussels Housing
Atlas of Residential Building Types
Inventaires #4 2020-2023
vers une démarche architecturale regénérative
Contribution for 'Éditions CARTE BLANCHE'
About those memories
Für eine Architektur des Veränderns / Christoph Grafe, Tim Rieniets, Baukultur Nordrhein-Westfalen (Eds.) Kettler Verlag, 2022
A+ 290 / Ouvertures
A+ 294 - Lessines, ville à la campagne
a text by Stephane Damsin on the jury and selection of a Cellule Architecture competition in Lessines
PUT in polish magazine Architektura & Biznes
A+ 287 / From mongrel to co-creator
Inventaires #3
IGLOO magazine
nr 246 - special focus on Valonia-Bruxelles, 2020
BMA Man of Thoughts
Olivier Bastin first brussels bouwmeester
Ouest lecture at C MINE Genk (with Architectuurwijzer)
Trabajar con lo existente - lecture at UDLA, Santiago de Chile
Project stories #14 - Rotor + Ouest (Be)
Bergen, Norway 2023
Cycle de conférences ENSAP Lille
Ateliers Nocturnes (AN) Cycle 11 - Limits Transitions Diversions
lecture by Ouest at Flagey, ULB La Cambre Architecture 30/11/2021
lezing ACROSS at De Singel
Destruction & réemploi dans le processus participatif
Conférence Rotor / Ouest architecture / Zinneke asbl - 2019
Réappropriations, ICA
Care for Space for Care. Scenes from Flanders and Brussels
What’s Already There. Sustainable Architecture from Brussels
Across exhibition
Cities Connection Project #5 - Reactivate the city
UDLA Master 01
LOCI Master 01